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    0086 391 3299607

    English Instruction

    Debang ceramic coating

    Release:emykpehf View:1483

    Ceramic Pulley Lagging

    ●Eliminate belt slippage.
    ●Improve tracking.
    ●Extend life of belt and pulley.
    ●Abrasion resistance and long wear life.
    ●Reduce downtime and main tenance.

    Jiaozuo Debon Technology Co., Ltd.
    Email: leila@debonrubber.com
    PH:+86 152 2583 7728

    Ceramic Pulley Lagging Sheets  Solution For Belt Slippage

    Ceramic Pulley Lagging is essential to improve conveyor belt performance.
    It is specially suited for pulleys where slippage and excessive wear and tear problems make normal rubber lagging ineffective. The alumina ceramic tiles help in proper grip of the belt under wet, muddy or any other such arduous conditions.

    Technical Data:
    Ceramic Tile:
    1. Al2O3: 95%
    2. Ceramic Hardness(Mohs): > 9t
    3. Working temperature: -40 - 85℃

    1. Material: NR & SBR
    2. Hardness: 65 Shore A
    3. Density: 1.2± 0.05 g/cm3
    4. Tensile strength: min. 15 MPa
    5. Elongation at Break: min.450%
    6. Wear loss: 80mm3
    CN Bonding Layer:

    1. Hardness: 70-75 Shore A
    2. CN bonding layer to ensure higher bonding strength to pulley surface.
    3. Semi-vulcanizing Chloroprene rubber.
    It is suitable for pulleys performing in the most difficult conditions.
    Can be installed by cold vulcanization.
    ZE-TC50015 Ceramic Lagging is 15mm thick and 500mm width, length according to customer's pulley length.

    See Fig. 1 below.

    Recommended Information

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