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    0086 391 3299607


    Introduction of Impact Bed

    Release:emykpehf View:1980

      The buffer bed is mainly used to replace the buffer idler. The buffer bed is composed of buffer strips, which are mainly made up of excellent high elastic special rubber layer to fully and effectively absorb the impact force when the material falls, greatly reduce the impact on the conveyor belt when the material falls, and really improve the stress condition of the dropping point.

      The buffer bed is mainly used to replace the buffer idler. The buffer bed is composed of buffer strips, which are mainly made up of excellent high elastic special rubber layer to fully and effectively absorb the impact force when the material falls, greatly reduce the impact on the conveyor belt when the material falls, and really improve the stress condition of the dropping point. The friction coefficient between the conveyor belt and the buffer strip is reduced and the wear resistance is good. The use of the buffer bed ensures the contact between the surface of the conveyor belt and the uniform stress, effectively prevents the longitudinal tearing of the belt caused by the fracture and falling off of the idler, and greatly reduces the probability of the longitudinal tearing of the belt after it is penetrated by sharp tools or sharp materials.

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