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    0086 391 3299607


    Introduction of Belt Cleaner

    Release:emykpehf View:2084

      Conveyor cleaner is a kind of device used to clean the conveyor. In the process of conveying materials of belt conveyor, if the residual attached materials enter into the roller or roller bearing seat, the bearing wear will be accelerated, and the materials stuck on the roller or roller surface will tear and roughen the rubber on the conveyor belt surface, which will accelerate the wear and destruction of the conveyor belt.

      In the process of belt conveyor conveying materials, if the residual attached materials enter into the roller or roller bearing seat, the bearing wear will be accelerated, and the materials adhered on the roller or roller surface will tear and roughen the rubber on the conveyor belt surface, which will accelerate the wear and destruction of the conveyor belt. If the material adheres to and agglomerates on the roller or the surface of the vertical tension roller at the end of the belt conveyor, it will cause the conveyor belt to deviate, increase the wear of the conveyor belt, and even tear the rubber coating of the roller.

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