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    0086 391 3299607

    Conveyor Belt Cleaner

    Motorized Brush Belt Cleaner

    【Classification】Conveyor Belt Cleaner

    【Product Description】Motorized brush belt cleaner is an electronic cleaning brush cleaner, conveyor belt motorized brush cleaner is installed under the return belt of the conveyor. It has cylindrical nylon brush and tips of the brush touch the belt surface gently. The r ......

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        DB-XQ-I is a motorized brush belt cleaner installed under the return belt of the conveyor, tips of the cylindrical nylon brush touch the belt surface gently. The rotating brush turns in the opposite direction of the belt and brushes away the sticky materials into the funnel.

        New brush belt cleaners feature replacement brush strips, total 12 brush strips, easy installation, and you just need remove worn strips and insert new strips

      Motorized Brush Belt Cleaner
      Price: inquiry
      Starting Quantity: ≥1件
      Description: Motorized brush belt cleaner is an electronic cleaning brush cleaner, conveyor belt motorized brush cleaner is installed under the return belt of the conveyor. It has cylindrical nylon brush and tips of the brush touch the belt surface gently. The r

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